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Abigail McNulty

5th Grade/6th Grade/Reading Circles

Miss McNulty is a returning BAO teacher, bringing joy and excitement to her classroom. As a Wellness Advocate for doTERRA, she educates others on how to live a healthier and more natural lifestyle. With her musical background, she offers private music lessons to local students on a variety of instruments.  Miss McNulty also works as a tutor for her local community.

Miss McNulty earned her Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education with a minor in Music and a Generalist Concentration in 2020. As a graduate of Ohio Northern University, she has completed field experience in many classrooms, including a school for developmental disabilities, the community school designated for juvenile delinquents, and other public education institutions. Each of these opportunities have made an impact, defining her teaching style and philosophy.

Miss McNulty enjoys reaching out to people who are overlooked by creating opportunities to include them. Such opportunities include hosting tea parties, writing letters, and co-directing God’s Kids Theater productions. Her testimony is that every decision of God is perfect and the footsteps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord. She has pursued her teaching career following the leading of the Lord and hopes to continue serving Him and helping others wherever life may take her. Currently, she resides in Lima, Ohio and attends True Word Tabernacle in Bluffton, Ohio.

Miss McNulty is extremely excited to continue her teaching journey with Bibleway Academy Online in 2024/2025 and to see how she can be used of God. As BAO grows, she hopes to assist with the development of the elementary curriculum.

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